HungryMouseFRPGMakerXP, tilesets for worldmap, scripts, ship, vihecle

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I renew the website.
I decreased the file size of the graphics except tilesets.

The language in the sample games is Japanese,
but you can see how to custumize.
Good luck.

`@What's new?@`

tileset for field map@ver.5 '05.05.16. up

I reduced the number of colors.
The size of file is also smaller(93.2kb).@@

For download, click the left picture.

briedges set Ver.5@'05.05.16. up

It is for the tileset above

.For download, click the left picture.

Ÿ@Ÿ@Ÿ@@ @@Materials@@@@Ÿ@Ÿ@Ÿ@
for fieldmap


Ÿ@Ÿ@Ÿa list of sample gamesŸ@Ÿ@Ÿ

Ÿ@Ÿ@Ÿ@@@@@Old Log@@@@@Ÿ@Ÿ@Ÿ

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